From disability to quality improvement, risk adjustment to social determinants of health, our AI platform can extract every clinical data element from any record format. Our API accommodates bulk or real-time data ingestion and is scaled to process millions of records per day.  Data is routed by filetype to trained AI models capable of detecting over 4 million codes, terminologies, and health measures. A simple API allows clients to access our insights in a variety of workflows.  Our end-to end process unlocks the full value of medical records across the enterprise, allowing our customers to:

  • PDF, Image, HL7 FHIR, HL7 CDA, and HL7 ADT data accepted, among others

  • Prioritize and target medical record and case review efficiency

  • Empowering population analytics and insights

  • Train and develop artificial intelligence models

  • Design member-specific care management and intervention programs

  • … and more

Medical Record Data Extraction

CCDA and FHIR data extraction